How to Get the Most from Therapy Sessions

How to Get the Most from Therapy Sessions

How to Get the Most from Therapy Sessions Starting therapy is no small thing. Fear of the unknown can easily creep in, which can then easily keep a person from getting going with therapy. To help allay some of that fear, here are some general thoughts on what to...
4 Simple Ways To Manage Anger

4 Simple Ways To Manage Anger

4 Simple Ways To Manage Anger Many of us struggle with anger. We express it in destructive ways. We might be afraid of it. We may avoid it or ignore it. We let it control us. And more. There is a great deal of stigma surrounding anger. Many of us default to equating...
How To Improve Self-Esteem

How To Improve Self-Esteem

How To Improve Self-Esteem How Can Therapy or Counseling help with Low Self-Esteem? Self-esteem. Everyone seems to want more of it. Or to know how to get it in the first place. A common assumption in our modern American culture is having high self-esteem leads to...
5 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety

5 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety

5 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety 1. Practice deep breathing exercises One of the best ways to reduce stress is taking time to practice deep breathing exercises, like yoga, which help you relax. 2. Take a break from social media and find some peace and quiet Another way...
How to Stop Procrastinating…NOW!

How to Stop Procrastinating…NOW!

How to Stop Procrastinating…NOW! Want to stop procrastinating on procrastinating? “Putting off an easy thing makes it hard, and putting off a hard one makes it impossible.” -George Lorimer Searching for tips to reduce procrastination may be another way of...
5 Important Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health Now

5 Important Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health Now

5 Important Things You Can Do For Your Mental Health Now Unfortunately, for many of us the past few months of quarantining and social distancing have made it extremely difficult to feel like our “normal” selves. This can be very frustrating, not seeing loved ones for...